Home > It has been a while....Money News....

It has been a while....Money News....

July 9th, 2005 at 04:39 pm

I have been kind of neglecting this website. Frown Shame on Me...

I do have some Money News though....

My Grandparents came and visited from Oregon and my Opa (Grandpa in German) knew I had already Saved $700 for a Car so he gave me $1000 more dollars towards My Car! Isn't that sweet?

I have been steadily Saving $150 per Paycheck and will continue to do so.

I had opened up a Checking Account at Chase Bank and I am considering employment there as well and I had DD $20 into my new Checking Account and plan to use it for Business Purposes.

I have signed up for a 401k through AVON. They will be taking $10 per Campaign and 10% of my Leadership earnings and put them into different places for Investment.

I am going still doing AutoSurf through Studio Traffic and plan to Upgrade to $100 soon so I can earn $1 a day instead of .10 cents.

I had also broke down and paid for the Launch Music Radio because they were really limiting my free music to nothing...and that costs me $3.99 a month.

Well I think that is all I have!

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