September 17th, 2005 at 05:19 pmWell, things have been going so-so.
I had applied for a WAH Job and I was denied at this time. Which is fine. I would only be making $9 with Benefits Part-time anyway.
I had also applied for another Position in my Company at $11-$15 an hour, 40 Hours a Week and I find out the Results next week. Nerve Wrecking until I find out.
Right now I make $10 and work Split Shift- It is hard on my family because they watch my daughter. My New Job I would have to work on Saturdays and they don't want that either. So I am a little peeved. I Pay Rent and everything, I just need them to work with me too. I am trying My Best to get off the Split Shift.
I am doing 4 AutoSurfs, 10 PTRs and some other things Online to make a little Cash. It is a Process until I get better at it and since I have no time this is what I do.
Hmmmm I am hoping I can get on my feet soon and not have to worry so much.
Oh and thanks y'all for the Comments. Much Appreciated.