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Archive for November, 2005

Anticipating the New Year....

November 12th, 2005 at 04:07 pm

I really hope to have a Great New Year...this year has been great...I got a GREAT Job I LOVE, made some WONDERFUL Friends at work and have been doing some of the things I have wanted to go Clubbing, Shopping and all that stuff.

This next year I am anticipating alot of changes...I will be coming into MORE Money, Getting a Divorce, Moving to Oregon and Driving...which are all big things...

The Money part I hope will come through and I will be able to get rid of Old and New Debt, put into Savings and Invest into other things...I also look forward to buying things my daughter and I both want and need.

I working on two different income sources at the moment and I just hope they both succeed and have faith they will.

Getting Organized!

November 7th, 2005 at 03:44 pm

This is going to be one of the hardest things for me to do but in order to be well and have things I need to be Organized. It is driving me nuts not being Organized.

I have alot of Organizing to do but I know in the long run it will be worth it.

Another thing I am doing is establishing Goals. Which is a BIG one for me also. I don't know how to really establish My Goals, I am really unsure as is to what to do. So, I am going to do that also.

The Two Things I want to do is:


I am going to try NOT to Overwhelm myself and get everything done when it needs to be done.

I also want to start Reading again, Reading is VERY Good for You. Especially the kind of literature I like to read.

Another thing in order to stay Organized, I am USING My Planner that I had received from AVON. I am going to take that sucker everywhere with me. I REALLY need to use it. Plus I can purchase Refills all the time and I spent alot of money on it when I joined AVON.

I want to start Focusing on My Businesses as well, it is still possible I think, even though I work 12 hour Days..I do AVON, Greeting Cakes and Sell Jerky. I want to Market Myself and My Products and start to Make Money with what I am doing. I think I have 3 VERY GOOD Products that I can work with. I can also build a Downline with all of them as well. I want to do an actual MLM though. Like some kind of Healthy Juice or something and do that. I don't know.

I just want to make 2006 BETTER.

2006 Financial Goals

November 7th, 2005 at 05:34 am

You know, since I have been AutoSurfing and began Making Money I finally now am able to Pay Off Debt and Invest in other things...

Since I am waiting to Max out of My Account, it will not be till February of Next Year...

I want to basically Pay Off All My Old and New Debt, Buy A Car, Invest and Save Money and Start a Savings Account for My Daughter....

I will also be "Upgrading" on other AutoSurfs as well...

I also want to begin Building on can never have too many Multiple Income Streams... Smile

The Money Saving Challenge ($20------->$5,000)

November 3rd, 2005 at 11:25 pm

I had decided to take that Challenge more seriously and I am trying to figure out what to do with my $20...I was thinking of buying enough cakes and then turn around and sell them but with the shipping it really wouldn't be wise. I had then also considered doing it with My Jerky but I would only get 20% of two bags of Jerky. I also don't want to do it through Auto Surfing because it is not really trying...

The Point of this Project is to use your Creative Thinking Skills and of course Make MORE Money...

*Buy Stock
*Buy Food to Sell at Fairs and Swapmeets

These seem to be the only ideas I can come up with right now. I am going to see if I can come up with some more ideas and then decide from there.

I could be thinking too deeply about this but I just want to do it Correctly.