June 1st, 2007 at 04:24 am
At my strict Job. I am relieved and Happy but at the same time still know this is not my Dream. I am still trying to get my Business off the ground. I get frustrated when I think about it. Considering the Live a Raise Behind option which I should have done with my last raise. Really too tired to get into detail.
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Make Money
May 26th, 2007 at 04:21 am
Well I spoke with a Credit Counselor this morning and I never felt so much relief before! I hadn't even done anything yet. I am still looking into the Consumer Credit Counseling before I decide who I will go with. But honestly, I really liked the Customer Service Counselor I had spoke with and I may go with her. I know their fee maybe higher but I just really appreciate good customer service and I maybe able to get going on this within the next month, I am so excited!
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May 24th, 2007 at 06:13 am
I am not sure if I had admitted this before but I have high outstanding debt and I am ashamed of it because I am not as irresponsible as it would seem. We all go through a rough time in our life and that was a rough time for me. Bankruptcy is out of the question, although I had many tell me it is the best way out. But really its not. I owe all those people money with tons of interest on these old Credits and Bills, I have to pay them. That was my mistake.
I was doing some research online about and I came across this article
Text is Debt Consolidation and Link is http://www.destroydebt.com/articles/is-debt-consolidation-for-you.html
Debt Consolidation and I guess there are various types of ways to do debt consolidation and one of them are Debt Consolidation Loans, which is ironic because I am not even sure if half the population would even qualify for any type of "Loan" regarding outstanding debt and when I think of Debt Consolidation, I think of "Consolidating" Debt into a small monthly payment.
Doing further research I know I can contact each individual company to see about reducing amounts and interest owed - but honestly, knowing that is an option, its still an option I cannot afford. Reading the Article on
Text is Self-Debt Reduction and Link is http://www.destroydebt.com/sections/self-debt-reduction.html
Self-Debt Reduction, I know that is not an option for me.
I also understand the Government does assist with Consumer Debt Counseling so I can avoid any type of Fraud by illegitimate companies trying to take advantage of my mistake.
Still doing more research, I think I may see what the Government has for Debt Consolidation.
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May 11th, 2007 at 03:59 pm
I finally took the Initative to ASK to Reduce My Rate for my Bill of $102.90 since I am a Good Standing Customer...and here is what happened....
Billing says oh I don't know, let me get you to Sales....so I speak to the Sales Dept and I told the lady the same thing..."I am a Good Paying Customer, I pay on time every month is there any Promotion I can use right now to reduce my Rate?" and she says "Oh let me check your area and she checks my area, which is SLC and she says "Oh it looks like we are very Competitive in your area, there is a Promotion you can do without having to get the phone" So now my Bill dropped down to $73!!! I am So Happy! They were so Friendly, I was so Friendly! I told the Sales lady, I really appreciate it and everything! I am just so happy now!!
I HIGHLY Recommend Comcast!
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