November 20th, 2007 at 07:16 am
I had booked my first Travel Booking on my site! I booked a flight for two to Mexico.
I had also acquired some Travel Leads and had been speaking to prospects who are looking to book Travel vacations.
I am very excited and looking forward to using this money to Pay off my Debt Completely and Financial Independence! 
Posted in
Make Money,
Money Goals
November 16th, 2007 at 06:34 am
401K - 2% and my Company will match me 2%
Savings Account - $141.59
ShareBuilder - $8 Automatic in YTB Stock
MasterCard - $200.41 left to pay off
Visa - $279.44 left to pay off
(They both have $300 Credit on them)
Going to try to make $75 or $100 on the next payment for both of them.
DEBT - Still working on that.
BUSINESS - Still working on it.
Posted in
Money Goals
November 11th, 2007 at 04:58 am
from two checks I received in the mail from Jerky and SFI. Its not a lot but it is helping rebuild my Savings & for the $20 Challenge.
I will be Marketing my Business more so I can pay off all of my Debt and finally work from home. Tonight we printed off some Business Cards.
I will also be paying myself $25 per paycheck into my Savings Account here soon.
My Money Goals I have done a couple of them.
I signed up for my 401K, which I am finally glad I did.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Money Goals
November 2nd, 2007 at 05:13 am
Well I did get PROMOTED to the Billing Dept at work. Today was the last day of Training, tomorrow I start in my new Dept. Still working on Business though.
I realized that I am adding Value to myself by signing up for my 401k NOW and not later, as well as getting Health Benefits and depositing money back into my Savings. Pleased with myself.
I also want to get my daughter a Savings. She is 4 and I want to get this for her really bad. Plus, I had added her as a Beneficiary everywhere, every time when I sign up for a new Financial Account.
I want to knock out a few big things too in the process:
Chase MC $246.41
National City CC $326.44
Car Insurance $360.39 Optional: $133.51
(I had some issues with them and now I have a HUGE Cancellation & Reinstatement fees from them)
Posted in
Save Money,
$20 Challenge,
Money Goals