February 26th, 2006 at 11:34 pm
So I went to the Doctor's today and they told me I have Strep Throat and concidentally they are doing a Research Study and so all my Doctor Visits are Free and I also get Free Meds and a $100 after the Study. I will have to miss two days of work (which I have PTO for). I also got a Free Tote Bag!
Posted in
Make Money
February 25th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
Well as you can see I have accomplished one of my Goals...I bought a Car...a Goal I am going to get started on is taking care of my Debt and increase my income at the same time.
I am applying for an at home Job that I can do after work and I am getting myself Schooled in Internet Marketing.
Everything I think I ever wanted is starting to fall into place. So I am going slowly get things together. I am Excited!
Posted in
Make Money
February 25th, 2006 at 10:24 pm
IT was a $1900 Car and I spoke to the Owner and told him I only had $1500 well he gave me the Car including the $300 Fees! I am so Happy! So if you are not thinking about the fees the $1900 actually cost me $1200! WOOHOO! Talk about a Deal! I Thanked him continuously and told him I would send tons of Referrals his way!
I decided to put $250 towards a Secure Credit Card and $250 in the Savings Account I opened today! 
I will also be depositing $100 Per Pay Day into that Special Savings.
Posted in
Money Goals
February 22nd, 2006 at 03:22 am
I am still trying to figure out what to do with the $20 Challenge. IF anyone has any ideas PLEASE let me know. I am trying to think outside the box.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 22nd, 2006 at 03:21 am
Ok well I FINALLY figured out what I was going to do with my Tax Return.
$1,000 for My Car
$500 in Savings
$500 towards a Secured Credit Card to rebuild My Credit
I am then going to Rebuild My Credit this year and Pay off all My Debt.
I am also going to build a couple of Income Streams and do a side Job from Home when I am not working.
That is pretty much My Plan.
Posted in
Money Goals
February 20th, 2006 at 06:15 am
I LOVE Vegas! You can do so many free things. I went there this weekend and let me tell you almost everything I did was for free and I can play the same bet for over 45 minutes at Black Jack and Roulette! (which I learned this weekend)
Let me break down my Vegas Weekend
1) Paid about $75 in Gas
2) Toured the The Strip
3) Paid about $80 in Food (I had one nice dinner, so shoot me)
4) Played and Lost about $20 (when you have a Strategy you can do just about anything)
5) Watched Free Circus Act in Circus Circus with the kids
I think I did pretty good. You can always make your own Fun and Priceless trip in Vegas and you can never beat free drinks neither. 
Next weekend I will be going to North Carolina. 
Posted in
February 11th, 2006 at 04:13 pm
Well I was '20 minutes to a Millionaire' as my friend would put it before something HUGE happened....figures LOL...so right now I am pondering different ways to get back to where I want to be...and its not easy....I am going to do some Network Marketing/Multi-Level Marketing again maybe....but I would rather focus more on Investing....I had been reading up a little bit on Robert K. this week (Rich Dad Poor Dad Extraordinare) and I am trying to figure out how exactly I step into the field of Investing.....? Hmmmm....Like they always say "Your First Million is always the hardest' LOL so true. I am going to Vegas next weekend so maybe I could Win, but I don't really count on Gambling. Sigh. So basically I am doing some Research right now Online...
Posted in
Make Money
February 10th, 2006 at 05:25 am
Call me Crazy or Loca....LOL...but I think it could happen...right now, I guess I went beyond the $20 Challenge and I want to make a $Million...I must be nuts but I think I can do it.
Posted in
Money Goals
February 9th, 2006 at 04:08 pm
I am also going to follow Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert K. idea of set aside 10% for Investing; 10% for Tithing and 10% for Savings.
I have been studying his course off and on these past few weeks. I would like to implement most of his ideas into my own life style. I am just still unclear as to how to get involved in Investing. I may start with Sharebuilder.com.
My Goals are pretty simple...to Make ALOT of Money! LOL.
Posted in
Make Money
February 9th, 2006 at 05:55 am
Ok I seriously want to do this Challenge this year...the problem is I am not sure as is to what to do with my initial $20. So what I decided to do was go and read up on the other Challenges and then decide to go from there. But, I want to take it seriously this time...kind of frustrating. I think this is the coolest idea ever and I can always use an extra $5,000!
Posted in
$20 Challenge
February 9th, 2006 at 05:32 am
I am spreading the word! LOL. It wasn't a big one, but it was something! I decided to play the game "Live a Paycheck Behind" or something...and I am going to put that extra into Savings.
I probably have no Valentine sigh but that is ok...I went to the Grocery Store and bought $1 Box of Heart Chocolates for My Co-Workers...I think they will appreciate it.
Still working on this years Budget.
Posted in
Make Money
February 7th, 2006 at 04:00 pm
I want to Own My Own Condo Free and Clear and I also want to live a Comfortable Lifestyle. Financial Independence has always been Important to me. So, now I need to think of new ways to bring in more Money.
My Other Income Sources so far are:
1) Jerky (I get a monthly check)
2) Surveys ($20 bucks a month)
4) Auto Surfing (re-evaluating my Surfs)
I will be adding a couple more as I come across them. I want to Market My Jerky website MORE so I can get a BIGGER Paycheck. I am just unclear as to how to do it.
Someone had also left a Comment yesterday as to starting my own Website with SEO/Google Adsense. I thought it was a nice suggestion and it may take some time but I think I can pull it off with the right resources.
I need something a little bit more quicker though. I am trying to think outside the box and come up with some unique and crazy ideas on how to make more money.
Posted in
Make Money
February 7th, 2006 at 03:24 pm
I am very Grateful for receiving to Wonderful Comments when I came back to Personal Finance Blogging this week. I think that is very sweet of you both and it was Unexpected.
So back to Finances! I had been reading some about Investing, Conventional Investing. I will be getting my Tax Return back this week and I am trying to figure out what to do with the Money.
It will be about $2500 in for My Tax Return. I am not sure yet what to do with the money. I may put it into a CD, Savings and a Sharebuilder Account but I am still unsure.
But what I WANT to do is a couple of things with my Paycheck:
1) Put $100 into a Separate Savings Account every Payday.
2) Pay One Bill Per Payday.
3) I have been bringing my own Lunch for the past two weeks and I continue to do so. I also withdrawal a certain amount of money in order to eat in the break room. My Tab in the Cafe is nearly gone! 
That is as much as I got so far.
Posted in
Save Money
February 6th, 2006 at 03:22 pm
I think I am going to have to try to adjust to this New Blog...Honestly I like the old format better but whatever works!
My Goals for 2006 are to:
1) Pay Off Old and New Debt
2) Savings of $10,000+
3) Buy a Condo Free and Clear
4) Get a Divorce
5) Buy a Car
I am also want to do the $20 Challenge from SavingAdvice.com.
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Money Goals