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Archive for June, 2008


June 12th, 2008 at 04:54 am

I started Paying off my old DEBT! Big Grin

Okay but I am slightly discouraged if you look at the numbers

I take home $457.50 a week

$325 goes towards shared bills (rent, groceries, utilities etc...)

$50 a week is towards CareOne ($181 a month)

$25 a week towards Savings

Which leaves me almost $60+ a week leftover.

Keep in mind - I still have to pay my CCs, Car Insurance and a couple of other things every month.

Am I doing okay and the right thing? I know any extra is going towards paying off my debt.

But honestly, I still like to buy things :P and would like to have things too.

New Plan (I think)

June 11th, 2008 at 07:13 am

Well, I am really annoyed about my financial decisions lately.

*Bought a Laptop (Laptop interest over 25% I believe)
*Need to pay off CCs again (2 total $675 both with interest over 25%)

So what I am going to do is take out the $900 and pay $200 on each of the CCs ($300 CC and $375 CC) and put $400 towards the laptop and then pay the rest off in payments on both.

I already have $25 a week going into my Savings Big Grin and I am sure I can come up with ways to make extra income.

Then after I will contact CareOne (they are already knocking the down the door and calling me and I will let him know I am interested and to give me a minute)

Anyway I was also reminded of the Suze Orman segment of "Can you Afford It" when the chick had BIG BUCKS in her Savings and still had ton of CC and Student Loan debt and she told her what is the point of having a BIG Savings if you have all this Debt??? So I agree. Plus I am sure Suze would have DENIED me getting this new Laptop Oopsy!

More later in as The Jackie Financial World Turns later :P

Laptop Dilemma

June 10th, 2008 at 01:48 am

Well now I have two! I know some would say I should sell one or give my old one away but the first one I got for free and it still works and its mine, the second one is the new one I got from Dell.

Well, I tried to Cancel with Dell and it was too late. Frown

I bought a $67 ($39 for the cord & the rest for the Fedex Next Day Shipping) Laptop cord to fix my Toshiba and it worked again, we had originally took it apart because we thought the pin was broken on it. It wasn't. The Laptop cord just was broken.

So I got my new Laptop and its Beautifully PINK Big Grin (It cost me a total of $768)

I am going to make payments on it and I am still putting $25 a week in Savings. I am going to try to have it paid off in about 4 months. So I would almost have to pay $200 a month. Which doesn't seem to much and if I have any extra money I can go ahead and pay it towards it as well.

I think it will all be fine though.

I am Proud and Embarrassed!

June 6th, 2008 at 05:57 am

But Last weekend, I finally got ALL My Bills together that I had been receiving at my parents and my house (old debt, medical bills and some new debt) and decided to organize and throw away duplicates and keep the most recent to start paying on every week. WELL starting Friday (or tonight) I am starting to PAY IT OFF WOOHOO!!! Big Grin

I am actually trying to pay these bills that give you the online option and some are just so difficult so some I may have to call about and find out what happened to the debt of it and see who now owns it...etc...I am also going to contact CareOne to help me organize my debt and pay it off quicker, I had such nice feedback from a rep I called a year ago and would like to get in contact with CareOne and actually sign up for it this time even if its not the same rep.

Ugh frustration, a lot of these debt collectors I will need to call and not all offer the online pay option, oh well, my consequences for ignoring stuff...

GUESS WHAT?? My Laptop isn't broken, its actually the power cord that needed to be replaced (again, this would be the third time) so I may cancel my $700 Laptop order with Dell. Big Grin And still keep the money in my Savings, I am still undecided but I normally just like to buy things I need.

Well I manage to pay $4.52 tonight, I will need to call on the rest of the debt collectors to see what I can do.

Oh I have the form filled out for automatic deduction into Savings, now I just need to turn it in. Its going to be $25 a week. Big Grin