May 29th, 2005 at 06:20 pm
Really, I don't have the 9-5 mentality to living Paycheck to Paycheck! And here I am living Paycheck to Paycheck! And it is FRUSTRATING! Some people like it and are used to it...everyone around Me...but it is NOT FOR ME!
My Job really is great and I have great Benefits but I just know it is not how I want to spend the rest of my life. I want to actually have a Lifestyle and instead of coming home tired from being at work for 12 hours and worrying about if I am going to have enough money for this and for is just NOT worth it.
BTW I am a Single Mom and if I were Married again it would be the same scenario.
I know it doesn't take money to do things...but it DOES take TIME.
I am NOT going to be like this forever.
I was thinking well, how much it would be worth for me to SAVE Money but now I figured it would be better if I just MADE MORE and SAVED at the same time...which I have got pretty good at...
I have My Own is a MLM Company and they offer a Service that takes care of a 'NEED' in the USA. Which is Discount Health Care for Dental, Prescription, Chiropractic and Vision. I have FAITH that this company is going to take me somewhere. I just have to WORK at it....and I don't mind doing that....
I signed up under a Gal whose Sponsor makes over $150k Residual EVERY year. Now, she is a stay-at-home Mom, Married with a couple of kids....but I know if she can do it then I know I CAN DO IT.
Alot of people do not have faith in MLM or any other Business opportunity but I feel maybe it is because they have either been burned in the past or they are not open to the idea....which I just say 'to each his own'.
I also Plan on doing alot with my AVON Business. My Goal is Senior Executive Unit Leader and I am already a Certified Beauty Advisor....once I build my Downline and have a bigger Customer Base then I will have then Succeeded with AVON.
I must admit though...I did NOT choose My Businesses...I really feel like they chose me. I know, you all must be thinking "How could that be?" Well, sometimes things much as you try to deny it....
I also believe in Multiple Streams of Income....and that is why I have two businesses but as soon as I am doing good with both of mine....I Plan to start doing Affiliate Marketing Internet type based Business....I am still unclear as far what topic it would be about but I know once I do figure it out it will be fun and rewarding at the same time....
Posted in
May 28th, 2005 at 08:45 pm
Friday I spent $2 for Lunch. My mom came and got me from work and after passing up Panda Express, Del Taco...I found a place that only costs me $2 for two fully loaded AUTHENTIC Mexican Tacos....that is SAVING MONEY!
My Brother came home for the weekend and I always give him money and I gave him $12.00
I get paid on Friday and I am still waiting to see if I will recieve Child Care Assistance again....
Since I am getting a Car I will not be able to afford it, so I am REALLY HOPING this goes through...
Spent $13.54 at the Grocery Store.
Posted in
May 26th, 2005 at 06:18 pm is my Plan.
Trying to get my Finances in Order for my Child Care (there had been some issues that needed to be Resolved so I cannot get it again till they are Resolved)
I am going to Open up a separate Checking Account for my AVON and AmeriPlan Business.
My Goals right now Financially are to increase my Income of at least $500 a month or enough to where I will no longer need Child Care Assistance. MY Actual Long Term Goal would be $2000 to replace my Income.
I will also be getting my Car soon at an Auction here by the end of next week.
Posted in
May 20th, 2005 at 07:35 pm
Massage ($12.00) (15 minutes-Birthday Present to Myself-Part of MY Spa Experience)
Necessities ($35.--)
Rubber Stamp ($10.42)
Raffle ($10.00)
Plus AVON Orders....which I haven't tallied up yet and aren't due until Monday.
Money in Hand:
AVON: ($284.00)
Rent ($240.00-Rent will be less because my Mom bought some AVON stuff from Me) PAID
Child Care ($190.00) PAID
AmeriPlan ($50.00)
TOTAL: $465.00-----------> $749.00 (AVON Included)
UP-Coming Expenses:
Rich Dad $36.50
Lunch ???
Stampin Up $25.00
Posted in
May 18th, 2005 at 12:01 am
Well, I finally paid AVON $620 (whew!)
I got $15 from Job Corps for taking their Quarterly Survey.
I am getting $43.93 for the Order that could not be Paid.
I am also getting $36 for the two items that had the two week trial for AVON.
Child Care $190
Rent $240
AmeriPlan $35
AVON $284
Posted in
May 16th, 2005 at 04:03 am
And I WON! I went there with $58.00.
Here is what I Spent:
$5 for Dinner
$10.60 for Breakfast
I had $2.40 and I had spent in the Slots
Then while I was looking for the Nickel Machines my friend told me I should try the Black Jack Table (Minimum is $5) and I then I Won TWICE! I was also responsible enough to not lose that money and I did not overbid.
I was playing the Minimum and I was doing very well with my 'Beginners Luck' I left with about $105.00
I gave My Brother $20 and My Mom $25.
Posted in
May 13th, 2005 at 10:14 pm
Well first I want to say when I went into Work this morning my cubicle had been decorated with streamers and such for my Birthday. That was sweet! The theme of my decorations was Money since the people at my work say that is all I talk about and that they had made dollar bills with my picture on them and hung them up everywhere.
Well tomorrow Morning 8-5 pm I will be doing a Phase II Class to become a Certified* Beauty Advisor for AVON (so I can give Skin and Color Consultations; Makeovers etc...) Being a Certified Beauty Consultant will increase my sales because then Customers will trust that I know what would be good for their skin.
Then when I get home I am going to Wendover for the night and I have $65 in my Pocket for that. I will be playing the Nickel Slot Machines.
Posted in
May 13th, 2005 at 03:35 am
Well today was My Birthday and it was Great!!!
First I turned 23 and a PAID day off from work.
I got a Cake and Balloons, Manicure, Pedicure and Eyebrow Wax.
My friend took me for Coffee and Cake at Marie Calendars.
Plus I got $30 from Grandparents and $50 from my Family. For a Total of $80.
MY Grandmother who also lives in a completely different state than I do sent me an AVON Order for $24.
I also got another AVON Order from one of my Stepdad's employee.
I also got My Benny Cards for My FSA Account!
I am an Internet freak and I had recieved e-mails from people telling me Happy Birthday and a Thread dedicated to My Special Day!
Today I really felt Special and felt good. It was one of the BEST Birthdays I have ever had!
Posted in
May 11th, 2005 at 06:09 pm
I have collected alot of money and one of my customers did not have the money to pay me, so I am going to hold it until next payday.
AVON Orders paid:
$216.72 (three checks)
TOTAL: $349.00
One of my Customers could not pay-she owes me $43.93.
Two Products have a two week trial $36.00 (delayed billing @ $18 each)
I am getting $80.00 for My Birthday so I am going to put that towards the money I owe AVON since I had spent too much Money on AVON Products for Myself. I also am Selling something that I had bought for $55 and putting that towards my AVON Bill as well so I will have money to go to Wendover this weekend.
Bank Balance: $444.01----> $429.00
Still waiting for a $15.00 check to go through.
AVON Balance: $620.79
is $696.50
AVON $620.00
LEFTOVER for Wendover is $76.50
Posted in
May 7th, 2005 at 08:01 am
Well my check was deposited for $566.79 because I had had my work automatically send $150.00 into my Savings.
Gas for Ride $15.00
Rent $240.00
Child Care $100.00
Smith's $17.87
KFC $5.79
TOTAL: $378.66
LEFTOVER $188.13
AVON Order $597.22
Posted in
May 2nd, 2005 at 08:41 pm
I am so UNOrganized! I am trying to get Organized but I think I am just going to HAVE too.
I forgot to file my review for my Child Care Assistance and so now it may take another 10 days to process. My Daycare Provider is not very happy about this.
So now I am in a bind.
Not only that but my order for AVON is going to be BIG and I have to pay rent.
I do have the money in Savings but if I have to use it again I will.
I am also STILL waiting for those checks to go through from last Payday.
My Main Bills are:
Child Care $150 (with Assistance)
Rent $240
AmeriPlan $35
AVON ??? (Depends on Order)
Savings DD $150
TOTAL: $575+
This weekend I am going to get Organized! I cannot live like this anymore. It is not Healthy.
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