February 27th, 2010 at 03:36 am
Every night before bed my daughter and I share a bag of chicken ramen...I love it...we eat it with Saltine crackers and Tapatio hot sauce (yes she eats hot sauce too and she is 6)...plus it helps me sleep well
Posted in
February 19th, 2010 at 12:13 am
Although I have been with the company for 3.5 years and I am in a good position and make good money...the stress this year with them has doubled. #1 My ex works there but in a different dept. #2 They have threatened to close our Corporate office and they have not renewed the lease for our building. #3 I am on a write-up for not passing over 75% of my calls in a month...we all have bad months but I need stability...they have also let go some people who have been there years and people have quit.
So I signed up for HotJobs.com Monster.com CareerBuilder.com . Refreshed my resume and applied for many jobs today and one yesterday.
I am keeping my job till I can find another one...I have 30+ days depending on how much months go and if I am over 75% every month on passing calls...
Posted in
February 15th, 2010 at 01:46 am
$100 is for a Health Assessment for my Health Insurance UHC
$100 Rebate for Renewing my 2 year Contract with AT&T...I at first was going to go online to get a new phone but I ended up going to the AT&T store at the suggestion of my mom and ended up saving 20% a month on my service and getting my rebate, plus they matched the price on the website 
I am going to save the GC for Emergencies.
Today I also bought a dining set & living room set for $50 at an Estate sale for my new apt!
Posted in
February 9th, 2010 at 05:15 pm
McDonalds any size soda $1
Subway Footlong any $5
Walmart Vision Complete Pair of Glasses $38
I LOVE Subway!!! I really need glasses and to get a new eye exam (not included) so this deal came perfect timing.
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