January 19th, 2010 at 03:39 am
$5385 is what I am getting
$646 - State Tax
$185 - Visa
$597 - MC
$300 - Parents
$2000 - Car
Which will go towards getting my Apartment. I will make sure I have some leftover for Savings.
Posted in
January 16th, 2010 at 11:31 pm
But a single mom so that might have something to do with it also but today I got my nails filled (at Walmart) and it was $18 plus I always leave a $5 tip. So my daughter is with me and wants French tips also so I told her I would buy her some while we shop at Walmart (she is 6) so I go to get her some and realize for $5 bucks I might want to try to do my own nails. That's what? 75% SAVINGS! $5 vs $15 (or $20)...Hmmm something always to think about...
Posted in
Save Money
January 14th, 2010 at 02:31 am
I have two keys missing from my Dell laptop, and H key and a symbol key..so I give my mom my laptop to take to a PC shop that is in her Chamber member(she works for Chamber of Commerce) and they have the nerve to want to charge me $50! I said HECK NO...I can get either the keys online or a new keyboard for less than $10!! I almost different but I was thinking does this guy think I am stupid? So I am going to fix it myself.
Posted in
January 10th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
I take out $20 a week for emergency purposes when I can...most of the money those goes to my soda ($1.00) and coffee (.70 cents) I buy at work...I bring coffee to work but sometimes its not enough so I buy more coffee...and I end up getting a bag of chips (.75 cents) or donuts ($1.00). So depending on my mood I end up spending $10 or more a week on junk and doesn't really get used for emergency . Now I could probably do without the coffee but not the soda..or the junk food. I used to just make sure I had $5 a week for soda...I no longer eat lunch because of personal reasons but that is going to change once I get my apt at the end of February.
My idea is to only spend $5 a week again, still take out $20 week and put the $15 towards my $20 Challenge.
Because I can guarantee you if its in my account or my little black wallet I will spend it. But in this case I would keep it in my pink sock and I still keep adding $5 a week to my Savings when I get paid. And if I do have an Emergency I will still have the $15 and if I don't need it that week then add it to my Challenge.
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Save Money,
$20 Challenge
January 4th, 2010 at 03:19 am
Instead of wasting my Gift Cards on junk I bought the items I would need on my Target and Walmart Gift Cards...$35 for the Pink Vacuum and I had been eying it for weeks! My favorite purchase was almost sold out! Bought it at Walmart.
Target I bought the dinnerware set 30% off $20, silverware $8.99 and cookware $18.99 all from a $50 Gift Card.
Owed only $2.31.
Posted in
January 4th, 2010 at 03:09 am
I am loyal to ATT cell phone service. My parents want to add me to their family plan and only pay $10 a month for doing so but I love my ATT! I don't mind paying the extra $90 a month plus I get to have my independence from my parents...my contract is up with ATT and I can upgrade and do a new 2 year with a new phone or a rebated payment back to myself. My cell now has water damage but still works, I paid about $50 extra to get it working properly again...its a Blackberry Pearl 8810...I want a new phone but my pets shots are more important! So I am just going to wing it I guess till I decide what to do...
Posted in
January 2nd, 2010 at 01:56 am
My dad gave me an idea that even though its a little to start with, I should save $5 a week...so I started this week.
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Save Money,
$20 Challenge