Home > $$$$Millionaire$$$$ Momma

$$$$Millionaire$$$$ Momma

February 11th, 2006 at 04:13 pm

Well I was '20 minutes to a Millionaire' as my friend would put it before something HUGE happened....figures right now I am pondering different ways to get back to where I want to be...and its not easy....I am going to do some Network Marketing/Multi-Level Marketing again maybe....but I would rather focus more on Investing....I had been reading up a little bit on Robert K. this week (Rich Dad Poor Dad Extraordinare) and I am trying to figure out how exactly I step into the field of Investing.....? Hmmmm....Like they always say "Your First Million is always the hardest' LOL so true. I am going to Vegas next weekend so maybe I could Win, but I don't really count on Gambling. Sigh. So basically I am doing some Research right now Online...

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