Archive for August, 2006
September 1st, 2006 at 05:56 am
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August 31st, 2006 at 06:14 am
I had went out to lunch today (free) and we had waited for our food...it was weird it was taking a while so he brought us Free Dessert Coupons & Discount Coupons!
Nothing else really new except almost all my Bills finally went out.
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 05:19 pm
One day, every day EACH Bill comes out. I paid them all and they all still have not come out. Oh well, least by Friday I will have a new Paycheck.
I compared previous addresses from the old city where I lived before and they are not the guilty ones about the Gas Bill...I had ID Theft against me and I am HAPPY to Say it wasn't FAMILY nor Relatives...you know, possibly relatives...but my FAMILY Paid my bill for me anyway even after I cleared it up with them. That was sweet of them and I told them they did not have too but they insisted.
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 06:33 am
I was hoping the new balance would show up! I only paid $10 so far but it is $10 less than it was before!
Here is what it says:
and now I see a Finance Charge .89
Oh well I deserve it, my last $10 payment on this bill will be $15 and then I will pay off my other Medical Bill.
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 06:18 am
Just got home from work (was past 10 pm) I get a little freaked out about working at night, for security reasons & I just like to be home in my jammies at night. But I guess with the Promotion its worth it. I have never been past "Entry Level" and this makes me feel alot better about being 'Chosen' I guess you could say. Plus I want to Save the money I have made with this Raise.
I did not spend any money today. I was tempted to purchase Lunch but then I decided against it. I guess I just need to get a little more Creative with my lunch, plenty of ideas in the Forums & Internet Searches.
I don't really have alot to report except I was packing this morning for my Apartment.
Still thinking about my Coupon Gig.
Posted in
August 29th, 2006 at 03:48 am
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
$170 Apartment Fund
$100 Rent
$90 Child Care
$10 Medical Bill
$20 Loan Brother
$24.51 PayLess Shoe Source
$25.58 Family Dollar
$17.67 Gasoline
$18.32 Smiths
$13.31 RCM (Refund Cents Monthly)
$20 Doctor Visit for DD
I think I am going to "Plan" what I spend from now on. I think a couple of those things were a waste. Now we all know when we 'waste' money.
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 09:43 pm
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 11:16 pm
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 06:43 pm
My first stop was Payless Shoe Source and they had BOGO all day so I think I chose a good time to Buy Shoes! I just hope my daughter wear's hers, if not I am not sure if I could return them but possibly exchange them.
My daughter's shoes were $17.99, mine were on Sale for $10 plus I got half off. I cannot remember what the original price of my shoes were. Let me see- ok $19.99.
So here was the deal:
DD $17.99
Sale my shoes $10.00 (Original $19.99)
BOGO -$5 off my shoes
Total: $24.51
Then I went to Family Dollar and mostly bought junk food. I guess I had no Objective on what I needed to buy and that was $25.58
Then I went to Wendy's and I ate off the $1 Menu. I wanted to buy a Big sandwich but I can BARELY finish this one.
That was $6.17.
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 04:47 pm
I rechecked my Balances and I am FINALLY able to go Shopping, I am mostly going for stuff that I need. I also already transferred money to my Apartment Fund and reassessed my Budget multiple times.
My Daughter needs new shoes & so do I and I just mostly want to go browsing. I packed another box, I will do another one tonight. I have tons of AVON Boxes from old Inventory I need to combine (use it for myself-bath & body, used to be a Rep)
Well, check in later. I love this website, the more I frequent the more I am on my toes
My Business is getting response so I need to figure out how to handle it. I have no idea My Jerky Business is doing good. I need to do more with it once I have more time for more Projects.
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 02:16 am
$516 Paid (WITH RAISE )
$100 Rent
$170 Pay towards Apartment Fund
$90 Child Care
$10 towards Medical Bill
$20 Loan to Brother
$18.19 Pizza
Utilities for Apartment:
Gas $$$ + $8
Power $$$ + 11
Internet & Cable $166.99 (Sept 9th)
then $85.41 thereafter
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 01:03 am
I had to stay over for an hour to retake my Final for Training for my Job. I ordered Pizza. I figured it was Friday and I am exhausted. I PASSED.
No more getting up at 4 AM, now I can sleep in late...except Monday I will get up at 6 am but just for this Monday only, after that my hours are 11 am to 10 pm. Then in a few weeks I should be able to get an earlier schedule unless I have to work Overtime in the afternoon. I already have two days of Overtime next week that I was given.
I have alot of Packing to do. I think I will get started some more on it tonight.
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 04:04 am
My brother asked me to loan him $20. I don't expect it back from him so I don't know why I bother using the word Loan. But does it go against my No Spend Day? I would have 4 Total if it doesn't. I almost didn't bring lunch today but then I decided to take my Pizza Rolls from the Freezer.
Also I do not have to Pay the Gas Bill. No need to go into Details but I am just glad I do not have to deal with something that wasn't even me in the first place.
Posted in
August 24th, 2006 at 01:45 am
I almost bought Pizza tonight then I changed my mind. I haven't made any unnecessary purchases and I am really Happy about that. I try to eat various foods for Lunch from home. Today I had one of my Budget Gourmets which are only a $1.
I need to refigure numbers for my Apartment Fund:
$900 -------> Sept 1st
$70 ---------> Unexpected Car Insur. Bill
Looks like I will NOT have to Pay Gas Bill. I am going to make an effort to pay myself $170 this Friday so it looks like I will have $900 when I move out for my Apartment.
Rent will be $525.00 and then that will leave me $142.70 for Groceries I believe.
My Power and Gas are turned on and now I just need to call about my Internet/Cable and I will do that tomorrow.
I get to see what my Raise is on Thursday so I can try to pay myself back. I am going to Pay the Gas Bill. At least it will get off my Record and I am already making an effort to pay down my Debt.
I was looking at http://www.credit.org yesterday about paying down my Debt. They are NOT Credit Consolidation. But first I need to get all these minor Expenses out of the way.
Posted in
August 23rd, 2006 at 09:18 pm
I am really upset. I have never had to use a Gas Company in MY Life and I just went to turn on my Gas for my Apartment and someone (I already know what happened) turned on Gas before in my name, the bill went to collections and the amount was for $162.30 and now I Have to Pay for something I never even USED & that was in MY NAME! I know who did this and they are in complete denial NATURALLY. :*( I feel like CRYING. YOU DON't DO THAT TO PEOPLE! The only way to do it is if it is with someone's social security number, Oh man I am so mad and upset. That is just not right. IN MY NAME!!!!! > I have never had my own place and turned on gas and of course THIS happens, of course. If your not rotten then you know at least some people around you are. IT REALLY MAKES ME MAD! I am crying right now, I hate that. I wouldn't ever do that to someone and NOW I HAVE TO PAY IT in order to have Gas in my FIRST Apartment, :*( > You just don't do that period. How come those that try to do good but get screwed by those who didn't?!
I am sorry but this is a Financial thing and I am stuck to do deal with it. :*( :*(
Posted in
August 23rd, 2006 at 02:46 am
I am right now thinking of a thought out Plan for a Customized Life/Home Organization Planner. I was going to buy one but I decided I can customize my own and Save Money in the process by adding things that I think I need & want in it.
Then my Budget, I almost have everything figured out as it to what is coming in and what is going out every month. But first I have to wait and see what my Raise/Promotion entails. I want to live a Paycheck Behind.
I am also looking at my Debt. I am ready to start Paying it off. I need to obtain my Credit Reports first to see where I stand.
I am VERY Excited about Couponing, Winter Gardening and everything else in between!
I FINALLY feel like I have my Life under MY Control, well at least I am to that Point. I just need to do some more Organizing. Hmmmm....
I want to Save Money, Make MORE Money and Pay off My Debt.
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Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 22nd, 2006 at 10:09 pm
I started Paying My Debt TODAY that I was Ignoring and staring me in the face every time when I checked the Mail. It was a Medical Bill from an old city where I had lived.
I told them take $10 out every Payday (which is every week) and put it towards my Bill. I FEEL SO GOOD! I have been wanting to do it for a while now just never did it.
Also, tomorrow I am going to get a Direct Deposit form at work and put $100 a week into my Savings account.
What a way to turn around the day!
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Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 22nd, 2006 at 09:14 pm
With My Car Insurance Company! They forget to CHARGE me for July so they pull out DOUBLE for August!!!! LIKE THAT IS MY FAULT THEY FORGOT! > So now to cover this week I need to pull from my Apartment Account to make up for the rest of this weeks BILLS! Do you think I want to do that! NO! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO ME! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Posted in
August 21st, 2006 at 09:49 pm
Well tired and cranky. Personally I do not like being Employed. I have a Great Job though, so I count my Blessings. I discovered today we will be working Mandatory Overtime in my new Job Position. 10 hours a week. 2 hours a day that equals to.
Not bad really because I will get Paid my New Raise and Get Paid Overtime but sometimes you think which is MORE Important? Time OR Money? I will be working from 11:30 AM to 10 PM. Which means ALL that time my Daughter will be at Daycare/Preschool.
So with all this EXTRA Money I will be Saving, Paying off Debt and using it towards My Business. Because I will escape the Rat Race.
Posted in
Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 20th, 2006 at 07:37 am
I spent $15.98 on something
Paid Rent $100
Bought Diapers and used my Coupons for Hot Pockets $16.01
Spent $14.77 on Gas.
And Friday I bought Wendys $3.72
and I also transferred $100 to Savings for my Apartment.
Daycare Monday: $90
Car Insurance 22nd: $68
TOTAL: $158
GRAND TOTAL: $408.48
Sunday will start my Official No Spend Week. Now I have Bills and Gas out of the way.
Posted in
August 20th, 2006 at 12:52 am
OMG I just went and used my Coupons, this time I got a Catalina for 3 boxes for $1.25!!! Each box of Hot Pockets contain 40 cent off Coupon off Hot Pockets.
THAT MEANS next purchase:
Store Deal: 6 for $10
HP Coupon: 2 @ 40 cents each
Catalina Smiths Coupon: $1.25/3 boxes of Hot Pockets
$1.67 after store Price = $5.01 (3 boxes)
Minus HP Coupons .80 cents
Minus Catalina $1.25
OMG this is the best Coupon I have right now besides the General Mills. : D
Posted in
August 19th, 2006 at 05:26 pm
Well the GroceryCouponGuide.com is down so I am researching other websites that assist with how to use Coupons.
I want to spend about $40-$50 a week on Groceries and when I move into my Apartment initially about $100 or $150 so I can get all my Staples and I want to use Store Sale and/or Coupon every time when I shop. I still need a List so I can find those Store Sales/Coupons to go with what I like to cook and eat. I am also keeping an eye out for Stockpiles..
Any Recommendations or Help would be Great Thanks in Advance!
Posted in
August 18th, 2006 at 04:29 am
I have a bunch of Coupons in my Car that my Co-worker had given me...I think I will buy a Sunday Paper and just Clip Coupons! I still need to go over the Coupon Guide to where to get the BEST Coupons...I move into my New Apartment on the 1st I AM SO HAPPY!
FINALLY FREEDOM FROM FAMILY!!! UGH FREEDOM PERIOD! I do have my Freedom but Renting from Family IS NEVER Freedom! FREEDOM is VERY IMPORTANT to Me. I love doing things my way...always have...now what does that have to do with MONEY??
Well, with Freedom you still need Discipline to make the Right Purchasing Choices. I have my bad days yes when it comes to spending but to know I can do whatever I want and whenever I want is PRICELESS! I had just read a Similar Post and it made me think of my own situation.
Now back to Budgeting and No Spend Days...
Posted in
August 16th, 2006 at 09:08 pm
I bought a Meal at Wendy's and I know I shouldn't have but we have Assessments every day for the information we learned for the day at Training for the New job and I did not pass today. So in the morning I need to come in before class starts at 4:30 AM (class starts at 5 AM) and retake it. It wasn't necessary a bad day I just want to sleep and relax. I want a Break!
Between thinking about my Budget, my new Apartment and a bunch of other stuff, I just want to get a way for a bit...but I can't.
Today was supposed to be a no spend day too sigh.
Oh well, if you fall off the wagon you just have to get right back on it.
Posted in
August 16th, 2006 at 03:27 am
Ok now that I have a Promotion, I need to consider living a Raise Behind and also putting away $40 since my Child Care went down which would equal to an extra $280 a month.
I also want to use my Secured Credit Card to Pay off my Debt as well. I figure since I get Paid Weekly and my Secured Credit Card is Monthly I could figure out a good Monthly Budget in order to pay it all off every month for every penny I spend on Debt since that is one of the original reasons why I got it.
Right now I put Diapers and Gas on it and pay it off every time when I get the Bill. I think I could figure $60 bucks of Debt being Paid off a month and put that in my Budget for Bills. I just do not want to overwhelming myself and then end up screwing up my Secured Credit Card and my Debt also. You know what I mean?
Groceries I think I could manage. I want to budget myself $50 bucks a week and use all the necessary coupons. I really do not need to cook for my daughter and myself but I still like to cook and do not like to deny myself Good Food. KWIM?
Now my Business, this is going to be tough as far as how I need to figure out how much I am going to want to Budget. Hmmmm...I will still need to think hard on that one...I was thinking maybe $20 bucks a Payday.
Posted in
Save Money,
Make Money
August 16th, 2006 at 02:10 am
I LOVE this whole Coupon Gig, I know it may seem like I am doing one at a time but I am just trying to figure out how I am benefiting and seeing if I am using correctly so here is what I got for my Hot Pocket Coupons:
I *believe* the Store Sale Price is
6 for $10 (I will need to double check)
Plus I got one Store Coupon for $1.00 any two Hot Pockets and another Hot Pocket Coupon for 1 for .40 cents.
I figure if I buy two boxes at the Store Sale Price of $1.67 x 2 Boxes = $3.34 and I use my Coupons for $1.40 I will have PAID $1.94 for both boxes.
The Retail Price I Believe is $3.99 each box.
Posted in
Save Money
August 15th, 2006 at 02:12 am
Posted in
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 12th, 2006 at 09:42 pm
I am going to Attempt to not spend the rest of the money I have this week. I have $27 left after Bills and Necessities.
I purchased foods for lunch etc...
I would like to then put this money aside and write myself a Check for that amount to my other Checking Account if I cannot think of anything coming out for Bills this week. I know my Car Insurance will be going out here soon but not this pay period. Friday I will deposit that Check into my other Checking Account.
Posted in
Money Goals
August 12th, 2006 at 06:35 pm
I went Grocery Shopping and I did not have Coupons and I looked at the Store Sale Ad and didn't see anything in particular I wanted to buy but here is what Happened:
I looked for Store Sale prices and found a few good deals down the aisles.
SPENT: $40.72
According to Receipt SAVED: $3.11 (which is 7%)
Looks bad on paper but the reality is I SAVED MORE:
For Example:
I bought 2 cans of Olives for $1.07 each
Store Sale Price: 2 for $3
SAVED: .86 Cents
Maruchan Cup Noodles
Purchased 4 at 29 cents
Store Sale Cup o Noodles: 3 for $1
PAID: $1.16 for 4 compared to $1.33 for 4.
SAVED: .17 cents
I am sure there are a couple more examples but those are the two I can think of right now.
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Save Money