Home > AVON Order and Bills

AVON Order and Bills

April 20th, 2005 at 07:39 pm

I had submitted an AVON Order for $406.00 (my best Campaign and second since starting). I am having some technical issues and so it may take a little longer for the order to come through plus I get 50% from the order for profit.

Rent will be $200.00
Child Care is $110.00
Stuff I bought $55.00
AmeriPlan is $35.00
Lunch at work ????
Savings ???
Bill ???

I am hoping I am not forgetting anything else.

Last night I went to a Club and spent $10 + $2 ATM Charge and got two free drinks.

BANK TOTAL: $19.30

I was also looking into another Opportunity.

I am still waiting for my Refund for the Credit/Mortgage System - $60.00

1 Responses to “AVON Order and Bills”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Congrats that is a great order!

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