Viewing the 'Save Money' Category
September 16th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
I need to Buy a Printer LOL, now I REALLY do in order to Print Rebate Forms...I have no clue on how to hook up a Printer...I am going to buy The Gillette Razor and I already purchased the Rayovak batteries so those will be my first two Rebates...I will probably do the Colgate Total also...I also have a Coupon for the toothpaste I think. Then when I receive them I am going to add them to my new Savings account.
I HAVE NO EXTRA COUPONS! I am so mad! I did not get any Stockpile Coupons! But at least I know My Bill will not be that much BUT STILL! I guess I will need to get some as soon as the Ad comes out. DUH!
I decided the $40 from my Daughter's School that I do not need to pay anymore is going to go into her Savings Account.
Posted in
Save Money,
$20 Challenge
September 16th, 2006 at 06:00 am
I OPENED up a Savings and PHYSICALLY put my $20 Challenge Money into my Savings today!!!
I have:
$150 (Loan was Paid back to me)
$8.61 (Jerky Business check)
$20 (For the initial $20 Challenge)
$40 for my daughters Daycare that was reduced by $40 a month for turning 3! 
= $218.61
and I opened it up at My Credit Union and told the Bank NOT to link it to my Checking account and I want NO ATMs or any kind of Card. That Account is ONLY for DEPOSITS.
PLUS I am EXPECTING $100 from Rent.com and
$5 Pinecone Check.
Which will bring my TOTAL up to: $323.61
Posted in
Save Money,
$20 Challenge,
Money Goals
August 23rd, 2006 at 02:46 am
I am right now thinking of a thought out Plan for a Customized Life/Home Organization Planner. I was going to buy one but I decided I can customize my own and Save Money in the process by adding things that I think I need & want in it.
Then my Budget, I almost have everything figured out as it to what is coming in and what is going out every month. But first I have to wait and see what my Raise/Promotion entails. I want to live a Paycheck Behind.
I am also looking at my Debt. I am ready to start Paying it off. I need to obtain my Credit Reports first to see where I stand.
I am VERY Excited about Couponing, Winter Gardening and everything else in between!
I FINALLY feel like I have my Life under MY Control, well at least I am to that Point. I just need to do some more Organizing. Hmmmm....
I want to Save Money, Make MORE Money and Pay off My Debt.
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Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 22nd, 2006 at 10:09 pm
I started Paying My Debt TODAY that I was Ignoring and staring me in the face every time when I checked the Mail. It was a Medical Bill from an old city where I had lived.
I told them take $10 out every Payday (which is every week) and put it towards my Bill. I FEEL SO GOOD! I have been wanting to do it for a while now just never did it.
Also, tomorrow I am going to get a Direct Deposit form at work and put $100 a week into my Savings account.
What a way to turn around the day! 
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Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 21st, 2006 at 09:49 pm
Well tired and cranky. Personally I do not like being Employed. I have a Great Job though, so I count my Blessings. I discovered today we will be working Mandatory Overtime in my new Job Position. 10 hours a week. 2 hours a day that equals to.
Not bad really because I will get Paid my New Raise and Get Paid Overtime but sometimes you think which is MORE Important? Time OR Money? I will be working from 11:30 AM to 10 PM. Which means ALL that time my Daughter will be at Daycare/Preschool.
So with all this EXTRA Money I will be Saving, Paying off Debt and using it towards My Business. Because I will escape the Rat Race.
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Save Money,
Make Money,
Money Goals
August 16th, 2006 at 03:27 am
Ok now that I have a Promotion, I need to consider living a Raise Behind and also putting away $40 since my Child Care went down which would equal to an extra $280 a month.
I also want to use my Secured Credit Card to Pay off my Debt as well. I figure since I get Paid Weekly and my Secured Credit Card is Monthly I could figure out a good Monthly Budget in order to pay it all off every month for every penny I spend on Debt since that is one of the original reasons why I got it.
Right now I put Diapers and Gas on it and pay it off every time when I get the Bill. I think I could figure $60 bucks of Debt being Paid off a month and put that in my Budget for Bills. I just do not want to overwhelming myself and then end up screwing up my Secured Credit Card and my Debt also. You know what I mean?
Groceries I think I could manage. I want to budget myself $50 bucks a week and use all the necessary coupons. I really do not need to cook for my daughter and myself but I still like to cook and do not like to deny myself Good Food. KWIM?
Now my Business, this is going to be tough as far as how I need to figure out how much I am going to want to Budget. Hmmmm...I will still need to think hard on that one...I was thinking maybe $20 bucks a Payday.
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Save Money,
Make Money
August 16th, 2006 at 02:10 am
I LOVE this whole Coupon Gig, I know it may seem like I am doing one at a time but I am just trying to figure out how I am benefiting and seeing if I am using correctly so here is what I got for my Hot Pocket Coupons:
I *believe* the Store Sale Price is
6 for $10 (I will need to double check)
Plus I got one Store Coupon for $1.00 any two Hot Pockets and another Hot Pocket Coupon for 1 for .40 cents.
I figure if I buy two boxes at the Store Sale Price of $1.67 x 2 Boxes = $3.34 and I use my Coupons for $1.40 I will have PAID $1.94 for both boxes.
The Retail Price I Believe is $3.99 each box.
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Save Money
August 12th, 2006 at 06:35 pm
I went Grocery Shopping and I did not have Coupons and I looked at the Store Sale Ad and didn't see anything in particular I wanted to buy but here is what Happened:
I looked for Store Sale prices and found a few good deals down the aisles.
SPENT: $40.72
According to Receipt SAVED: $3.11 (which is 7%)
Looks bad on paper but the reality is I SAVED MORE:
For Example:
I bought 2 cans of Olives for $1.07 each
Store Sale Price: 2 for $3
SAVED: .86 Cents
Maruchan Cup Noodles
Purchased 4 at 29 cents
Store Sale Cup o Noodles: 3 for $1
PAID: $1.16 for 4 compared to $1.33 for 4.
SAVED: .17 cents
I am sure there are a couple more examples but those are the two I can think of right now.
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Save Money
August 10th, 2006 at 04:38 am
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Make Money,
Money Goals
August 8th, 2006 at 12:23 am
We had talked about Coupons on Friday and about Growing Veggies in Cans and she said she was going to bring me some tomatoes but she forgot but she brought me Coupons from her Sunday Paper! She knows how I am getting my own place and I was asking her about Coupons and the store. She is going to bring me tomatoes from her Garden this week too! 
Posted in
Save Money
August 8th, 2006 at 12:18 am
My Daughter turned 3 today so when I made my advanced payment for her Preschool I only had to Pay $90 for this week instead of $100. (I get Paid Weekly).
She had a Birthday Party in class, I did take her some places this weekend to make up for her Birthday.
I will add that money into my $20 Challenge 
Posted in
Save Money,
$20 Challenge
August 5th, 2006 at 05:54 am
My Daughter will be 3 YAY! I do not have much money because I need to move into my Apartment. But I decided to do all the things she Loves:
Swimming, Park, McDonalds and pick out a Toy at Walmart.
I would like to do some other things more Creative, anyone have any ideas?
Also I am Moving to so I was looking into:
Farmers Market
Growing Tomatoes and Onions from a Can? I am going to figure out how that works since I know some people do it. I have the top floor so my Vegetables will get good nourishment and nobody will bother my Veggies.
Bread Store
For a Small City I seem to have all of these in my area, I see while I drive home from work.
I am actually excited to Clip Coupons and Grow Veggies
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Save Money
July 29th, 2006 at 12:59 am
I get Paid Weekly and I Opted out of ALL the Benefits (I have Health Insurance from another source) and it is just barely enough.
I think between my Daughter and myself I can make do with $50 a week on Groceries.
What I want to do is set aside Money for Savings and Promoting my Business consistently.
At my Apartment I will also be getting Internet and Basic Cable.
Rent $525
Child Care $400
Utilities ?
Gas $60 (a month)
Insurance $68
Groceries $200
Internet and Cable $100
TOTAL: $1353
I will need to live by a stricter budget in order to meet my Advertising and Saving needs.
I will be working Overtime at Work when they need me too but I may just sign up to work from 7-5 pm.
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Save Money,
Money Goals
July 26th, 2006 at 02:32 am
Well I Saving for my Apartment. I found one, I just need to look at it and get a Definite "Yes, its YOURS" I go and look at it tomorrow. I want to get IN!
I already have half as much of the Money I need so I just need to save for the rest and the Utilities and Groceries. I am not worried about
Furniture or anything because I already have some and I have some help with it.
Appliances I am getting on Sale at Walmart and Furniture I am getting from the Thrift Store. I also get Paid Weekly so it makes things easier. I also just Cancelled alot of things I was doing that I really did not need.
Next I am looking at my Debt and getting an Divorce.
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Save Money,
Money Goals
July 20th, 2006 at 05:18 am
I just started my New Job last week? I know it seems all of a sudden but I have been waiting literally YEARS to be on my own. Even when I was Married
Anyway I get Paid weekly, my concern is how much it is going to cost me to initially move in. I want to move out within 3 months with all the furniture I need and all. I will be getting some help with that.
I am also a little worried with Winter and darker days coming up. Being a Single Mom, you get kind of freaked out sometimes LOL. My brother lives on his own but I think it is different for him.
Anyway looking at Apartments on Saturday and I hope I can find out some information to understand better how much I will need.
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Save Money,
Money Goals
May 27th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
I admit, I am a nut when it comes to Business Opportunities. So, I decided to cut down on some of the Auto Ships that I don't really need. Its like $10 here and $10 there but I am trying to save and build so I am getting rid of My AVON Website, a couple of other companies as well. I will also be cutting down on my AVON spending also. I will also be Organizing alot of things I will be doing as well. I feel very cluttered.
Things I am cutting back on:
$10 AVON Website
$10 GDI WS Domain
$12 Jerky Website (I have another one which pays for itself)
I am going to budget myself $40 per AVON Campaign to spend.
I figure once I start making money I can have more time for those kinds of things. But right now I need to cut back.
I also started eating more downstairs again and so I found $1 Lean TV Dinners and I will take Ramen Noodles.
Posted in
Save Money,
Money Goals
April 8th, 2006 at 05:04 am
Not a good expression but oh well and I know I haven't Posted in a while but now I think I have something worthy of Posting.
I used part of my Tax Return to get a $300 Secured Credit Card and I decided to use that money to Pay off Old/New Debt every month and at the same time build my Credit.
And since I no longer use my Badge to buy food in the Cafeteria and I hardly eat down there and I got my annual raise I decided to have Direct Deposit in a SEPARATE Bank a Checking/Savings account and put $100 every payday.
So this year I think I am covering all the bases...Saving, Paying down Debt and Rebuilding Credit. I Feel Good.
Posted in
Save Money,
Make Money
February 7th, 2006 at 03:24 pm
I am very Grateful for receiving to Wonderful Comments when I came back to Personal Finance Blogging this week. I think that is very sweet of you both and it was Unexpected.
So back to Finances! I had been reading some about Investing, Conventional Investing. I will be getting my Tax Return back this week and I am trying to figure out what to do with the Money.
It will be about $2500 in for My Tax Return. I am not sure yet what to do with the money. I may put it into a CD, Savings and a Sharebuilder Account but I am still unsure.
But what I WANT to do is a couple of things with my Paycheck:
1) Put $100 into a Separate Savings Account every Payday.
2) Pay One Bill Per Payday.
3) I have been bringing my own Lunch for the past two weeks and I continue to do so. I also withdrawal a certain amount of money in order to eat in the break room. My Tab in the Cafe is nearly gone! 
That is as much as I got so far.
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Save Money