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January 8th, 2013 at 07:35 pm
Well a lot has changed:
*Quit my Job in March 2012 and I now work from home
*Cashed out my 401k and put it in my Savings
*Doing a new 52 Week Savings Challenge for 2013
Week 1 $1, Week 2, $2 etc...by then of the year I should have $1378.00 in both my daughter and my Savings account with ING. Picture is below if anyone wants to do it.
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Save Money
November 6th, 2010 at 10:29 pm
Plus I get back credits! : D I just cut my data plan from unlimited to 200 MB on my account! I have a blackberry.
That money will definitely go into my Savings!
I decided to do $20 in each Savings account. I had to call the bank to get my other account# since I haven't used it in so long.
So $20 in my Emergency, Fun & Travel fund and my daughters account. : D That's $1200x3 accounts $3600 Savings a year! That's $20 a week (I get paid weekly)
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October 31st, 2010 at 05:48 pm
I swear I am such a flake, not really but can be! Okay so I decided to have $5 pulled from my bank to my ING accounts ($5 in each account) one for emergencies and one for my daughter...come the new year I will be doing $28 (because I am 28) and $7 for my daughter (because she is 7) and increase it every year as we get older. Because me manually trying to do this is impossible. I also canceled my Health Insurance because my mom found a more inexpensive one. I decided to stay at my job - they promoted me and gave me a raise.
I also cashed out of all my MyPoints and Swagbucks. So I will be getting $30 in Amazon.com, $25 GC for Target, $25 GC for JCPenney and $10 GC for Chilis.
I went from deciding to spend $60 per person to $40 per person for Christmas. Since everyone I know basically has what they want anyway.
I also keep a stash, it ranges I went from $80 then back to $30. Its just cash to have handy aside from what I keep in the bank.
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January 16th, 2010 at 11:31 pm
But a single mom so that might have something to do with it also but today I got my nails filled (at Walmart) and it was $18 plus I always leave a $5 tip. So my daughter is with me and wants French tips also so I told her I would buy her some while we shop at Walmart (she is 6) so I go to get her some and realize for $5 bucks I might want to try to do my own nails. That's what? 75% SAVINGS! $5 vs $15 (or $20)...Hmmm something always to think about...
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January 10th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
I take out $20 a week for emergency purposes when I can...most of the money those goes to my soda ($1.00) and coffee (.70 cents) I buy at work...I bring coffee to work but sometimes its not enough so I buy more coffee...and I end up getting a bag of chips (.75 cents) or donuts ($1.00). So depending on my mood I end up spending $10 or more a week on junk and doesn't really get used for emergency . Now I could probably do without the coffee but not the soda..or the junk food. I used to just make sure I had $5 a week for soda...I no longer eat lunch because of personal reasons but that is going to change once I get my apt at the end of February.
My idea is to only spend $5 a week again, still take out $20 week and put the $15 towards my $20 Challenge. Because I can guarantee you if its in my account or my little black wallet I will spend it. But in this case I would keep it in my pink sock and I still keep adding $5 a week to my Savings when I get paid. And if I do have an Emergency I will still have the $15 and if I don't need it that week then add it to my Challenge.
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$20 Challenge
January 2nd, 2010 at 01:56 am
My dad gave me an idea that even though its a little to start with, I should save $5 a week...so I started this week.
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$20 Challenge
December 26th, 2009 at 02:24 am
$50 Walmart GC
$50 Target GC
$50 JCPenney
$60 from bro (he owed me $40 and $20 for Gift)
$40 from Sis (Owed me)
$40 from Daddy as a Gift
I owe my mom $50 so I gave her $40 from that money which left me $100 which was my GOAL for December to SAVE
Now I have that money in a Dollar sock coin purse I received on Christmas away from my wallet and my purse so I do not spend it
Not sure what my Goal will be for January because my daughter for her off track care ($100 a week) and $50 a week towards my Cruise on January 22nd for spending money and Rent ($100 a week). Maybe I will try for $40 or $60?
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December 1st, 2009 at 01:45 am
To Save $100. It is really difficult this month with all the Christmas shopping and all but I want to have something for December. I get paid weekly. I'll let you know by the end of the month. If I could do more I will.
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July 21st, 2008 at 07:52 am
I have wanted to do this for YEARS. She is turning 5 in August and starting Kindergarten - so I thought its now or never. Plus she already receives $2 a week allowance for cleaning her room (which she does a good job at and we take her to the Dollar Store every two weeks) My parents never did it for me and I finally did it tonight. I put in $60 to start at ING @ 3% APR. As I get more money I will be depositing more. I AM VERY EXCITED! 
That was also the last thing on my Financial List!
401k (Work)
Savings (2 Savings Accounts)
Pay Off Debt (CareOne)
DD Savings (ING)
Own Stock (ShareBuilder)
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Money Goals
June 12th, 2008 at 04:54 am
I started Paying off my old DEBT! 
Okay but I am slightly discouraged if you look at the numbers
I take home $457.50 a week
$325 goes towards shared bills (rent, groceries, utilities etc...)
$50 a week is towards CareOne ($181 a month)
$25 a week towards Savings
Which leaves me almost $60+ a week leftover.
Keep in mind - I still have to pay my CCs, Car Insurance and a couple of other things every month.
Am I doing okay and the right thing? I know any extra is going towards paying off my debt.
But honestly, I still like to buy things :P and would like to have things too.
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June 11th, 2008 at 07:13 am
Well, I am really annoyed about my financial decisions lately.
*Bought a Laptop (Laptop interest over 25% I believe)
*Need to pay off CCs again (2 total $675 both with interest over 25%)
So what I am going to do is take out the $900 and pay $200 on each of the CCs ($300 CC and $375 CC) and put $400 towards the laptop and then pay the rest off in payments on both.
I already have $25 a week going into my Savings and I am sure I can come up with ways to make extra income.
Then after I will contact CareOne (they are already knocking the down the door and calling me and I will let him know I am interested and to give me a minute)
Anyway I was also reminded of the Suze Orman segment of "Can you Afford It" when the chick had BIG BUCKS in her Savings and still had ton of CC and Student Loan debt and she told her what is the point of having a BIG Savings if you have all this Debt??? So I agree. Plus I am sure Suze would have DENIED me getting this new Laptop Oopsy!
More later in as The Jackie Financial World Turns later :P
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June 10th, 2008 at 01:48 am
Well now I have two! I know some would say I should sell one or give my old one away but the first one I got for free and it still works and its mine, the second one is the new one I got from Dell.
Well, I tried to Cancel with Dell and it was too late.
I bought a $67 ($39 for the cord & the rest for the Fedex Next Day Shipping) Laptop cord to fix my Toshiba and it worked again, we had originally took it apart because we thought the pin was broken on it. It wasn't. The Laptop cord just was broken.
So I got my new Laptop and its Beautifully PINK (It cost me a total of $768)
I am going to make payments on it and I am still putting $25 a week in Savings. I am going to try to have it paid off in about 4 months. So I would almost have to pay $200 a month. Which doesn't seem to much and if I have any extra money I can go ahead and pay it towards it as well.
I think it will all be fine though.
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$20 Challenge
June 6th, 2008 at 05:57 am
But Last weekend, I finally got ALL My Bills together that I had been receiving at my parents and my house (old debt, medical bills and some new debt) and decided to organize and throw away duplicates and keep the most recent to start paying on every week. WELL starting Friday (or tonight) I am starting to PAY IT OFF WOOHOO!!!
I am actually trying to pay these bills that give you the online option and some are just so difficult so some I may have to call about and find out what happened to the debt of it and see who now owns it...etc...I am also going to contact CareOne to help me organize my debt and pay it off quicker, I had such nice feedback from a rep I called a year ago and would like to get in contact with CareOne and actually sign up for it this time even if its not the same rep.
Ugh frustration, a lot of these debt collectors I will need to call and not all offer the online pay option, oh well, my consequences for ignoring stuff...
GUESS WHAT?? My Laptop isn't broken, its actually the power cord that needed to be replaced (again, this would be the third time) so I may cancel my $700 Laptop order with Dell. And still keep the money in my Savings, I am still undecided but I normally just like to buy things I need.
Well I manage to pay $4.52 tonight, I will need to call on the rest of the debt collectors to see what I can do.
Oh I have the form filled out for automatic deduction into Savings, now I just need to turn it in. Its going to be $25 a week. 
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Money Goals
May 9th, 2008 at 05:00 am
I don't know about everyone else but the way the economy is going and the world right now I am anxious about putting more money in my Savings. Just contemplating when and how much...
Right now I technically have 3 Savings accounts. One is connected to my Checking account, I have another one COMPLETELY separate (no card or anything) on my second Savings and my third Savings account I have through ING.
Savings#1 has about $300 (supposed to be used for a Trip to Vegas)
Savings#2 has $1,005.17
Savings#3 has $394.70
For a Total of about $1699.87
I have a Savings Goal of $3,000.
Not sure when we will be actually going to Vegas because my Partner's Mom is sick and I still need to figure out where my dad is (He is technically homeless always and I want to help him so much and I just hope he is ok somewhere in Vegas. Plus we want to make sure that we can get a Good Deal.
I now make $14.70 but I am also getting another Raise on June 1st...so I think it will be easier to decide how much to Save then...
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$20 Challenge
April 30th, 2008 at 07:57 am
In the Billing Dept that I had been promoted to last October 2007, I did not get my pay for it. The reason for that is, you have to Certify. Which means I have to pass a certain number of Billing Calls and hitting Quality points before I would get my Promotion Pay...and I had three chances to Pass. Well, the first two times they put in in February I failed. And if I had failed the third time I would be sent back to my prior department. So anyway, 7 months later I FINALLY GOT MY PAID PROMOTION I CERTIFIED!!! WOOHOO!! On top of that but the yearly raise in due in June so I will be getting that as well!
Plus I am waiting on my stimulus check. I am thinking about living a paycheck behind and beef up my Savings...Right now because of my Taxes last year I have about $1,000 combined in two Savings accounts. $300 in my ING and $700 in my regular Credit Union.
With my Daughter's check that is going to start her Savings, $100 of her $300 is going to go for her down payment for her teeth again (she has two new teeth growing in and we have to remove the other two).
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March 31st, 2008 at 03:11 am
I am going to take inventory of everything that I receive a monthly bill for and see if I can drop some unnecessary items from being debited from my account.
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February 9th, 2008 at 04:54 am
I had received my Tax return today and paid few good sized bills...it made me happy. Smile Now I don't have to worry about paying them unless I use them (my credit cards) plus I don't have to pay my Car Insurance till June now.
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February 4th, 2008 at 03:14 am
My Taxes are done and I am getting back
I owe
Utah State Tax $598
Mother $450
Partner $610
Credit Cards Pay Off $600 (YES!)
Car Insurance $231.40
GRAND TOTAL: $2489.40
I will have $2017.60 left over.
Last night I was watching Suze Orman and watching her made me realize how I need to kick my butt about my debt.
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November 2nd, 2007 at 05:13 am
Well I did get PROMOTED to the Billing Dept at work. Today was the last day of Training, tomorrow I start in my new Dept. Still working on Business though.
I realized that I am adding Value to myself by signing up for my 401k NOW and not later, as well as getting Health Benefits and depositing money back into my Savings. Pleased with myself.
I also want to get my daughter a Savings. She is 4 and I want to get this for her really bad. Plus, I had added her as a Beneficiary everywhere, every time when I sign up for a new Financial Account.
I want to knock out a few big things too in the process:
Chase MC $246.41
National City CC $326.44
Car Insurance $360.39 Optional: $133.51
(I had some issues with them and now I have a HUGE Cancellation & Reinstatement fees from them)
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October 9th, 2007 at 06:55 am
At my Job we had donations for United Way, as a contribution through your paycheck, last year I did the one time option and this year decided to do $2 a week towards the Community Fund via Payroll and then had her verify that the money would go directly those in need and not for 'administrative' costs.
I will also being contributing 2% OR 3% of my weekly income for my 401k, my job will match 3%.
I will be getting Health Insurance through my Job also, although I am already covered, but that coverage won't last forever.
Then the last thing I am going to is put $25 a week into my Savings - Direct Deposit of course.
Lastly I MIGHT possibly get Promoted. I am not depending on it so it will help with all the stuff above.
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September 27th, 2007 at 09:00 pm
Well playing around on MyPoints, I decided to get a Car Insurance Rate Quote from various Auto Insurance Companies. Well most of them were $60+ and to my Surprise one is actually $33. Right now I pay about $50+ a month for my Auto Insurance. So I am thinking of having that same company do another quote for me to make sure it is accurate with the Insurance I have now.
Since my Insurance I believe is $51 A MONTH, my SAVINGS would be $18 a month! Which I could put back into my Savings.
Speaking of Savings - After I go back to work, I would like to Deposit $30 a week into my Savings Account with Direct Deposit.
Not sure though yet, how I will do it.
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$20 Challenge
August 18th, 2007 at 07:22 pm
Well I just barely logged back into my ING Account after a million years and Updated my Account information and I saw I had earned a TON of interest and still had my money in there...but I also have another Savings account that I cannot touch that is supposed to be used for random checks I received and I would like to Deposit into both Savings but not quite sure how I plan on doing this...what I want to do is possible do automatic transfers every week from my Checking to my home Savings account but then again I earn higher interest with my ING Savings account...not qute sure how I want to do this....
DD Savings
ME Savings
Pay off Debt
Some type of CD and Investing such as Sharebuilder.com
PLAY Money!
MAKE More Money
Hmmm....need to write this down on paper
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Money Goals
August 17th, 2007 at 07:18 am
IT is painfully hanging over my head. I decided against Debt Consolidation for the time being because I think I cannot afford $80 bucks a week towards paying off my old debt. Every time when I attempted to think about fixing my debt, my head hurts and I feel sort of helpless. Although I know I am sure there is something I can do. Just not sure how I am going to go about this yet. Sigh. On top of that I want to sign up for my Job's 401K, open up a Savings Account for DD and start putting $$$ back into my Savings. I am failing at all of these things right now, PLUS I want to pay off my Secured Card again so I can use it for things again. My Relatives keep insisting the B word and I just couldn't ever do something like that. Like I always say, I OWE this money to them. They don't owe me anything.
I also want to go to College badly . I am looking into Grants and Scholarships before I consider a loan. I want to get my Bachelors of Science in Sales and Marketing and take Online Courses. My Job has Tuition Reimbursement but I do not see myself there for another million years and still have BIG Goals and Dreams to be an Entreprenuer and that I am working on DAILY.
Sigh there now I whined my sorrows about Finance will be getting all of that sorted. Sigh.
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May 11th, 2007 at 03:59 pm
I finally took the Initative to ASK to Reduce My Rate for my Bill of $102.90 since I am a Good Standing Customer...and here is what happened....
Billing says oh I don't know, let me get you to Sales....so I speak to the Sales Dept and I told the lady the same thing..."I am a Good Paying Customer, I pay on time every month is there any Promotion I can use right now to reduce my Rate?" and she says "Oh let me check your area and she checks my area, which is SLC and she says "Oh it looks like we are very Competitive in your area, there is a Promotion you can do without having to get the phone" So now my Bill dropped down to $73!!! I am So Happy! They were so Friendly, I was so Friendly! I told the Sales lady, I really appreciate it and everything! I am just so happy now!!
I HIGHLY Recommend Comcast!
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April 24th, 2007 at 04:46 am
Well at the advice of my Beau, I began using my Check Registery for my Purchases on my main Checking/Debit Account. I now right down everything I use on the account.
I am expecting a $34 Refund Check for my Daughter's pictures that came out crappy and a $10 Total from Pinecone for Surveys. I also cashed out MyPoints for myself as a Birthday Present...I had enough for a $50 Gift Card.
Las Vegas was Great, we lived off of Comps and we had a Free Room for a couple of days...we also won which means everything we did in Vegas was absolutely FREE 
I feel bad for taking the $400 from my Savings account but I plan on replacing it again later plus with extra that I have been keeping in my main account just fear of going in the red again.
I also started working on my Business...going to try to boost it a little bit more.
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March 9th, 2007 at 04:24 pm
I got my Taxes back and I put $1300 in Savings and paid something that I cannot remember LOL. $1,000 of it is to fix my daughter's teeth once I find a Pediatric Dentist.
Plus I went to Wendover, Nevada (I live in Utah) and won a total of $1,000 on the $1 Slot Machines with the tip from my new Beau
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December 9th, 2006 at 07:38 am
My Norton 2006 Anti-Virus was just telling me how my 2006 had Expired...I had just purchased a bunch of $5 TVs from Office Depot.com, you know Stockpiling and so I decided to check out a Friend's site because I missed the Game! LO and BEHOLD! There is a Overage of $7 and Rebate CC for Norton Anti-Virus! So I made sure I purchased it tonight before the deadline which is tomorrow 12/09/06...and now I am sitting here filling out my Rebate form, wondering where my 2007 software is so I can submit my form with the UPC Code LOLOL!
I also had deposited those Checks which brought my total up to $268 and I got a Jerky Check for $15 that I need to Deposit and have some more Pinecone Checks coming in...
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$20 Challenge
November 29th, 2006 at 06:51 am
*Get myself out of the Financial Blunder I had put myself in.
*Pay off my Parents in 4 weeks because they helped me get my all weather tires.
*Pay off my CC again.
*Pay ALL my Bills before anything else.
*The BIGGEST OATH OF ALL is do not sign the list to go home early anymore.
Jacquelyn Butler 11/28/2006
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November 24th, 2006 at 06:12 pm
All the Checks I get in the mail for doing little things like Surveys, Jerky and Rebates etc...all go in my $20 Challenge Savings account.
Right now I will be Depositing:
$12.00 Rebate Check for Gillette Razor
$9.30 Cash Crate Check
$5.00 Pinecone Check
$1.50 Jerky Check
TOTAL $27.80
Which will bring my Challenge up to:
I will be looking for more ways to get Checks in the mail 
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September 16th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
I need to Buy a Printer LOL, now I REALLY do in order to Print Rebate Forms...I have no clue on how to hook up a Printer...I am going to buy The Gillette Razor and I already purchased the Rayovak batteries so those will be my first two Rebates...I will probably do the Colgate Total also...I also have a Coupon for the toothpaste I think. Then when I receive them I am going to add them to my new Savings account.
I HAVE NO EXTRA COUPONS! I am so mad! I did not get any Stockpile Coupons! But at least I know My Bill will not be that much BUT STILL! I guess I will need to get some as soon as the Ad comes out. DUH!
I decided the $40 from my Daughter's School that I do not need to pay anymore is going to go into her Savings Account.
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$20 Challenge